Saturday 29 March 2014

iMac A Work of Art

Desktops have always had the same old boring design until Jony Ive and Steve Jobs decided to glam it up. The very first iMac with a see through body and tear drop design with screen holding all components revolutionised design of desktops forever. With time every new design bought something new to the desk. The latest iteration of the iMac is nothing less than a work of art. Netrostar reviews this master piece and finds out if the iMac also packs a performance punch to go with its great looks.

The iMac looks like a beautiful framed painting once you turn it on. The single aluminium stand completes the artsy look for the iMac. When you look at it from the sides you wonder how they managed to fit all those components inside a screen that slim. However when you soon realise the clever design of the iMac which has a parabolic shape of sort. You have the razor thin edge and then as you move to the centre you see that the back of the iMac is thicker and that is where most of the components reside.

You can get the iMac either in 21 inch or 27 inch display size. The LED backlight display has IPS and has resolution of 1920 X 1080 on 21 inch and 2560 X 1440 on 27 inch model. The iMac display does not sit behind glass screen which reduces glare and reflections. Cutting edge bonding technology was used to reduce screen size to allow the razor sharp edge shape of iMac.

The Base version has 2.7GHz Quad core i5 processor which can turbo boost up to 3.2 GHz you can also pick the 3.4Ghz top of the line model. Both iMac models come with 8GB memory which can be upgraded to 16GB and 32GB in case of 27 inch model. They come with standard 1TB storage which can be configured up to 3TB. You can also opt for fusion drive which uses flash storage for OS and regular HDD to store files.

You get Intel Iris Pro graphics and can choose to configure the NVIDIA Geforce GTX 780M with 4GB of VRAM. For I/O you have an SDXC card slot and four USB 3.0 ports. You also get 2 thunderbolt ports, RJ-45 connector ethernet and mini display port.

The iMac comes with Apple wireless keyboard and magic mouse. The base version iMac weighs 12.5 pounds while 27 inch weighs 21 pounds. The iMac is an amazing desktop which will add to the decor in your home and provide the performance you need. With OSX Mavericks it provides a complete Mac experience that beats one you receive from any Windows system.

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