Thursday 10 April 2014

Netrostar Reviews analyses advantages of laptops

The first portable computer was the Osborne 1. It was the first functioning laptop which was available on the commercial market and retailed for around $ 2000. It proved that a computer no longer was governed by wires and could truly go wireless. Due to its high price range it was out of reach of most people in those days. The laptop was not a laptop PC yet. But with improvement in technologies and reduction in the cost of components used to build laptops, the price of laptops decreased. These days laptop PC have become affordable enough for consumers to pick them over desktop computers.

The affordability of laptops has been the key to its popularity. It has allowed the laptop to make the transition into a truly personal computer. Laptop PC has matched desktops in all areas of computing and have grown in popularity. Let’s take a look at few points that make a laptop pc better than a desktop:

·         Mobility – Laptops changed the way we used computer in the sense that it bought mobility to computing. Laptops functioned and were the same as desktops however they did not need a wall socket to be powered at all times. Laptops come with a built in rechargeable battery. This battery charges itself while you are using the laptop connected to the power adaptor. Once the battery is charged you can carry your laptop with you anywhere you wish to and use it as long as the battery is charged.

·         Compact – The laptop is very compact compared to a desktop. A laptop can do everything that a desktop can achieve. It is no different from a desktop in terms of functionality. What sets it apart is the size and form. A desktop is made up of a screen, the tower, keyboard and a mouse. The newer generation of all in one desktop has the motherboard incorporated behind the screen but they are still quite big. A laptop has just a screen and keyboard, it uses a track pad instead of a mouse and the motherboard is under the keyboard. It also folds in on itself thus it does not occupy much space at all.

·         Weight – the laptop weighs way less than a desktop. You would not even carry a desktop until you disconnect all the peripherals. Whereas you can slip your laptop into your bag and carry it around. An average laptop would weigh around 4 pounds. The new ultra-portable laptops weigh even less.

FFor more interesting reviews please visit our website.

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