Sunday 6 April 2014

Things to remember when buying a computer.

We live in an age where we are surrounded by computers. We have desktops and laptops at work and in our homes. You have computer controlling traffic signals and helping run massive malls without a glitch. Even aircrafts are flying safe with the help of computers. There is some sort of computing power being deployed everywhere you look.

Other than helping us run things in order computers are also helping us communicate with people around the world. If it was not for internet and computers we would not be able to share our views or learn about what is happening around the world. Web 2.0 has made the internet interactive. We can socialize with people from across the globe, tweet, post on blogs and even video conference in real time.

Other than this the computer has turned into an entertainment hub. We can download and listen to music and watch funny videos and also movies anywhere and anytime you want. Not having a computer in this age can really make you feel like you missed the digital bus and are living in the Stone Age.

Laptops have replaced desktop as the preferred computers in most fields. A laptop can do everything a desktop does and at the same time offers mobility. You can carry a laptop anywhere you go and they are affordable too.

Netrostar reviews lists a  few points you can keep in mind before purchasing your first laptop:

Memory – A minimum of 2 GB of memory is what you would require to run the latest operating system. If you tend to multitask and play games then you need at least 4 GB of memory to seamlessly run the programs. Also if your laptop has a graphic card that shares physical memory then you would need 4 GB of memory.

Hard drive – Most new laptop computers come with at least 160 GB of hard drive space. A 320 GB hard drive would be enough to store all your data and music. You can opt to buy a hard drive of 1 terabyte or more. 

Battery – if offered the option opt for a 9 cell battery instead of a 6 cell one. A 9 cell battery has a higher standby and operating time than a 6 cell one. Which means you can use your laptop for long time without the need to charge the laptop.

Graphics – If you want your laptop to be an entertainment hub it would be best to purchase a laptop with a dedicated graphics card. If you have extra cash you can also opt for a Blu-Ray drive on the laptop.

So armed with this information you are ready for buying a computer.

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