Thursday 10 April 2014

Round 2: Laptop Versus Desktop

The desktop bought computing right inside our home. In early days of computing, computers used to be as big as a room. Desktops miniaturized the mainframe computers enough to be placed on a desk thus the name desktop computers.

A desktop computer is a combination of components that work together to gather input, compute the data and provide and output. The keyboard and mouse is your input device, you use it input commands and instructions you wish to run on the computer. The keyboard and mouse are connected to the computer tower. The computer tower houses the brain and heart of the computer. Within the computer tower you will find the motherboard that has the processor mounted on it. The processor is the brain of your computer and does all the calculations. Other than the processor the motherboard has connectors which connect to the hard drive which stores data and the optical drive which reads and writes compact discs. It has various other connectors and is powered by the switch mode power supply.

The processor analyses and runs the commands and an instruction provided as an input and provides an output which is a result. The output is displayed to the user with the help of your computer screen which is connected to the computer tower. All of these components require a lot of space which is what is scarce these days.

Enter the laptop, a mobile computer that folds right down the middle and can be carried anywhere you go. The laptop took computers off the desk and miniaturized them enough to be placed on your lap while using them. Hence they earned the name laptop or netbook as they fold like a netbook does.

A laptop has all the components that your desktop does except it has a track pad instead of a mouse. A laptop can do everything that you can do with a desktop and more. It is fascinating how something so small can still match the performance of desktops that we all used for our computing in the last decade.

It has a flat screen for output and keyboard, track pad for input. So where did the computer tower go? In case of the laptop it was made compact. You still have your hard drive, optical drive, motherboard with all its connections and the processor. They just have been arranged in a way so as to rest right beneath the keyboard. Drastically reducing the space required. Also the laptop has a built in battery which means you are not dependent on the wall socket for powering the computer all the time. Once charged you can take the laptop and use it anywhere without any chords attached.

The laptop has gone on to replace desktop in almost all fields where computers are used. To know more visit our reviews website.

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