Monday 7 April 2014

The Need For Speed

After the launch of netbooks in the market many users thought that the netbook would replace the laptop. The netbook could do everything a laptop could but still lagged behind in few areas. But with time these drawbacks have been turned around. The netbooks had a smaller 3 cell battery but many now come with 6 cell batteries. The absence of optical drives on the netbook bothered many consumers. But with the advent of cloud computing there is no longer the need for storing data on compact discs. 

You could store data on cloud server farms and access it on the move anywhere and anytime. The netbook also lagged behind in terms of processing power the Intel Atom processors that were found on all netbooks were no match for the faster processors on laptops. However with the launch of new dual core atom processors for netbooks, they have caught up with laptops in terms of processing power.

The early netbooks had less than 1 GHz of processing power and just 4 GB of storage space. The new atom dual core processor with 2GB of ram on a netbook is enough to match the performance of a laptop. It is not only processors by Intel that is making waves in the netbook market. AMD is not far behind, it has already released the Fusion platform which has a dual core too and integrated graphics from ATI. 

Here are a couple of netbooks that run on the new processors and are touted to be one of the fastest netbooks available in the market:

Asus 1015PEM – This netbook by asus runs on a 1.5 GHz N550 chip. It also comes with 1 GB of RAM and a 250GB Hard drive. It also runs on Windows 7 Starter edition. It has a GMA 3150 graphics that offers a resolution of 1024 by 600 and can play videos up to 720p. 

Asus Eee PC 1015B – This netbook is powered by AMD fusion C-30 which has a clock rate of 1.2 GHZ. It also has HD 6250 graphics which allows it to play HD Video even up to 1080p.  It comes with 1 GB of ram and windows 7 starter edition like the other netbooks in this range.

Toshiba NB550D – The NB550D runs on the C-50 processor which has a clock rate of 1 GHz. Benchmark tests show that this netbook can easily play HD videos. The battery life of this netbook is good and it can run for up to 7 hours. It has 1 GB of ram and windows 7 starter edition.

Netbooks are only getting faster with time however will they even survive the onslaught of tablet computers? Netrostar Reviews does not think so considering the clear advantage that tablets have over laptops and netbooks.

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